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  “C.A.K.E. TALK”论坛是中国国际动漫节高峰论坛系列里的一大亮点板块,也是2017年我们全新推出的一个特色品牌。作为专业人士创新思想展示和碰撞的盛会,第13届中国国际动漫节“C.A.K.E. TALK”将连续3天(4.26-28),在中国国际动漫节主场,杭州市滨江区白马湖建国饭店宴会厅举行,内容围绕动画漫画影视游戏等泛娱乐产业的新鲜话题展开。“C.A.K.E.TALK”分四大板块:Live现场、Master大师、Edu教育、Panel座谈。届时,来自多个国家地区的顶尖动漫影视领域人士、艺术家、教育者和专业人士将分享他们的经验与感悟。

  “C.A.K.E. TALK”希望为动画漫画影视游戏等泛娱乐产业的专业人群、青年团体搭建一个跨界交流、展示的平台。通过每年的定期活动,汇聚一批乐于分享的专业人士,打破学科壁垒,突破日常的专业人脉圈,介绍自己专业成就的同时,吸收各学科的营养,开拓公众的视野,营造真正的交流氛围。




  演讲主题:初啼First Sound




  齐兴华 QI Xinghua



  The First Chinese 3D painting artist, breaking the Guinness World Records for 3D paintings for four times.


  Qi’s art has been exhibited at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, Dubai Canvas 3D Art Festival, Magic City—the Art of the Street in Germany, Sarasota Chalk Festival, Miami Book Fair International, Wynwood Art District, etc. He has also held over 100 exhibitions in more than 30 cities around the world and created over 200 3D paintings so far. Qi sparks the history of 3D paintings in China and becomes the most inspiring 3D painting artist in the nation.


  王卯卯 WANG Momo


  Cartoonist; Creator of Tuzki


  Momo Wang once worked in Turner Broadcasting System of Time Warner Incorporated and in the Graphic Design Department of Cartoon Network as an illustrator and designer. She holds deep interests in traveling and photography, and has left her footprints in over 10 countries and regions like the Antarctic, Egypt, South Africa and India. As announced by Tencent Pictures in 2016, the first movie of Tuzki, which combines computer animation and live-action shooting, is expected to be officially released in 2018.


  伊恩·卡尼Ian Carney


  Founder of Lightwire Theater


  A former leading dancer in the Montgomery Ballet and a professor in the Dance department at Tulane University, creates novel and intriguing dances with luminescent wires. One of the most famous shows of Lightwire Theater Dino-Light wins applause of audience of all ages and the show has been staged across the US and Europe. The team took part in America’s Got Talent in 2012 and won the Judges' favorite and the Audience’s favorite.


  刁常宇Dr. DIAO Changyu


  Associate Professor of Zhejiang University, focuses on the digitization of cultural relics


  After completing his post-doctoral program in 2010, Dr. Diao joined the Cultural Heritage Institute of Zhejiang University, in charge of the research activities related to information collection about Hi-Fi (High Fidelity) digitization of cultural relics. By far, he has participated in and completed various projects, including those sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 Program, National Key Technology R&D Program, together with the Key Scientific and Technology Projects at both national and provincial level. Apart from these projects, Dr. Diao has also contributed a lot to the R&D of High-precision scanners of Cultural Relics’ 3D Information, Ultra-format Painting and Calligraphy scanners, Wall paintings’ Hi-Fi Digitization scanners, etc. Meanwhile, over 20 papers by him have been published in academic journals or shared in academic conferences both at home and abroad.


  肖恩·费尼Sean Feeney


  Senior Vice President, Animation London, Prime Focus World

  从事动漫和后期制作长达二十年,知识经验丰富。近期作品包括发行41集全CG动画《乐高气功传奇》和42集《乐高未来骑士团》。 2011年“乐高气功系列”项目启动,肖恩凭借出众的背景和经验,担任动画部国际化制作领头人。近期,他已监制两部剧场版CG电影,即《坏脾气来了》(Here Comes the Grump)和《萨哈巴扎德·沙阿——班达·辛格·巴哈都尔的崛起》(Chaar Sahibzaade – Rise of Banda Singh Bahadur)。此外,他还致力于普瑞福克斯动画全球形象发展,不断开发新项目。PFW作为独家3D转换合作伙伴最近参与的电影项目有:《美女与野兽》,《攻壳机动队》,《金刚:骷髅岛》等。

  With a 20-year career in animation and post-production, Sean brings considerable knowledge and extensive experience to his role as Senior Vice President of Prime Focus’ Animation Division. Based in London, Sean’s recent successes have included the delivery of 41 episodes of full CG animation of LEGO Legends of Chima and 42 Episodes of LEGO Nexo Knights. With the advent of the LEGO Chima project in 2011, Sean’s background and experience marked him as the natural choice to head up global Production for the Animation Division. He’s recently overseen the delivery of two theatrical CG movies (Here Comes the Gump and Chaar Sahibzaade – Rise of Banda Singh Bahadur) as well as developing PFA’s global animation profile and leading pitches on new projects - with more shows now in development. PFW’s recent works as Exclusive 3D Conversion Partner included, Beauty and Best, Ghost in the Shell, The Legend of Tarzan, Kong: Skull Island etc.


  李炼Leo Lee(待定)


  从事广告业20年,中国当代杰出广告人、资深创意人及广告导演,曾任中国首部特效电影《紧急迫降》特效指导、电视剧《吕布与貂禅》、《新醉打金枝》特效指导,电影《没眼人》制作总监。2000年组建“易光工场”摄影棚,开发中国首套“FROZEN TIME”特效设备,获中国最具影响力的创意总监、中国最具影响力的广告导演殊荣。2013年,《昆塔·盒子总动员》在国内上映,是中国第一部运用云计算技术制作的国产3D动画片。曾获得2013国际3D协会(I3DS)杰出成就,2014(第二十届)上海电视节“白玉兰”奖最佳中国动画片奖。


  宋磊 SONG Lei



  M.A.of School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University,

  Visiting Graduate Student at Business School, Hitotsubashi University

  He works at the Development Research Center, State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, and concurrently acts as director of the Research Department, China Animation Association. He is former executive chief editor of Culture Monthly--ACG Review, a senior animation & cartoon reporter, the founder of the China Animation Critics Association and an invited film critic of mtime.com. He once worked as an EMBA lecturer at the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, a lecturer in the Advanced Training of the Ministry of Culture for Creative Capacity Building of Board Game Design Talents, a lecturer in the Advanced Training of the Ministry of Culture for Innovation Capacity Building of Cultural and Creative Industry Investment and Financing Management Talents, and a lecture in the Advanced Training of the Communist Youth League for Young E-commerce Construction and Management Talents.




  注意事项: 1、咨询电话:0571-87026950


  3、现场购票: 活动开始前在论坛现场签到处进行购买。




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